School Endowment Program
Grants and endowments are awarded through board selected and colleges and universities to students passionate about studying technology, cybersecurity, and computer science related disciplines.

Anastasia Ingargiola
Student, UC Berkeley
I hope to express my earnest appreciation at
being given this opportunity to overcome my monetary disadvantages and develop as a professional and a leader.

Ruth Wilson
San Jose State University,
Chair of African American Studies
I was deeply moved and proud that
so many more SJSU students will be able
to benefit from this generous gift.
Selection Criteria
Students must major in technology or computer science related fields
Priority given to students with the most economic need, and whose families face economic challenges
Students must be in good academic standing with a GPA of 2.5 or greater (exceptions can be granted with board approval on a case-by-case basis)
Student must be attending a 2- or 4-year college or university
Schools must be a college or university nominated by a board member of The CIO Scholarship Fund and meet board approval in accordance with The CIO Scholarship Fund’s bylaws
Schools must provide a faculty member to work with a board member of The CIO Scholarship Fund to provide an overview of courses and students
Schools must involve The CIO Scholarship board member or board member designate for involvement in the selection process